Art Teacher Qualifications
Education There are different educational qualifications for art teachers depending on the level and type of institution you are interested in pursuing. For public K-12 schools, art teachers are required to have at least a bachelors degree with an emphasis in education and obtain a teaching license. You can obtain an art teacher's license either by earning a bachelors degree in art education or getting a bachelors in a different subject and then earning a master of arts in teaching. Many states require all new teachers to earn a masters degree within a limited period in order to keep their licensure. Some private K-12 schools have different requirements for art teachers, though a bachelors degree is still the minimum qualification. Private schools may hire art teachers with a degree in an unrelated field and may not necessarily require licensure. If you're interested in teaching art at the collegiate level, you will need a masters degree. Most colleges do not require licensure in their qualifications.
Abilities It important for an art teacher to be patient, dedicated, and possess strong instructional and communication skills. Creativity and a certain level of artistic proficiency are also important qualifications for art teachers.
Experience Gaining experience in school prior to looking for a position as an art teacher can be very beneficial. Internships can be found at schools, galleries, museums, and after school programs. If you're looking to teach K-12, it is good to have some experience working with kids. A well developed portfolio can also be a great asset in beginning a career as an art teacher.
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