Pharmacy Technician Qualifications
Education The qualifications for pharmacy technicians vary by state. A high school diploma or equivalent is generally the minimum, though some states may require additional education. A number of vocational schools offer pharmacy technician training programs. These programs typically last one year and culminate in a pharmacy technology certificate. While certification is not a necessary qualification in every state, it can certainly make job hunting much easier. The certification program will cover topics such as arithmetic used in pharmacies, methods of dispensing medications, pharmacy law and ethics, and recordkeeping. Qualified technicians must be well versed in the name, action, use, and dosage of a wide variety of medications. States generally regulate pharmacy technicians. Regulations vary and may include educational qualifications, a criminal background check, passing an exam, and continuing education requirements.
Abilities Pharmaceutical errors can have serious consequences. It is important for pharmacy technicians to be dependable, highly detail-oriented, and well-organized. A pharmacy technician must also have impeccable ethical standards. As a pharmacy technician, you will spend much of your time interacting with customers, so good customer service skills are essential. Successful pharmacy technicians are skilled in assisting customers in a consistently polite and helpful manner.
Experience While having a formal pharmacy technician education can be important in verifying your qualifications, many technicians still learn much of their duties through on-the-job training. Formal training programs often include internship opportunities, where students can gain valuable practical experience before entering the job market.
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