Physician's Assistant Qualifications
Education Physician's assistants must complete an accredited physician's assistant education program. Physician's assistant training programs are generally two-year masters degree programs intended for applicants who have already earned a bachelors degree and some work experience related to healthcare. Some schools also offer bachelors degree programs for physician's assistants. Programs include course and laboratory work in subjects such as pathology, physiology, anatomy, clinical medicine, physical diagnosis, and medical ethics. There will also be a component of supervised clinical training. All states require physician's assistants to be licensed. The qualifications for licensure vary by state.
Abilities Most physician's assistants are drawn to the career by a strong desire to help others. This sort of compassion and dedication are important qualities in a professional that can often be emotionally demanding. A physician's assistant must have the emotional stability to remain calm and collected under stressful situations. In order to properly assist physicians and evaluate a patient's condition, you will need to be highly observant and detail-oriented. Physician's assistants should also have strong communication skills.
Experience Most people looking to begin a physician's assistant career already have work experience in healthcare. Assistants often come from careers such as registered nursing, emergency medical technicians (EMTs), or paramedics. Your educational training will involve components of practical experience, but experience prior to beginning a program can be highly beneficial and may be a required qualification to enter certain programs.
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