Life Coach Qualifications
Education There are no formal degree or training qualifications to become a life coach. A number of training programs can be found out there available through various schools and organizations, but the quality of instruction can vary greatly due to lack of regulatory standards. If you're interested in preparing yourself for a career as a life coach, look for courses in leadership techniques, professional practices, career counseling, coaching dynamics, sociology, and psychology. Remember, any credential is only worth the training it represents. Don't commit to an inferior training program just to save a few bucks.
Abilities Every successful life coach must be both a strong communicator and good listener. Great advice is useless if it doesn't pertain to your client's needs. A life coach must possess a well-rounded set of qualifications. The job encompasses abilities from numerous related careers such as therapy, consulting, coaching, social work, career counseling, and management.
Experience No matter how extensive your life coach training, you'll need more than education to be successful. Much of life coaching is imparting the knowledge you've gained from your own personal experiences. The best qualification you can have is experience directly related to those individuals you will be coaching. If you plan on coaching investment bankers, you better have some financial experience. If you're going to coach restaurant owners, you'd better know your way around a kitchen. Gain all the experience you can in your professional career before thinking of giving life coaching a try.
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