Massage Therapist Qualifications
Education Massage therapist qualifications vary from state to state, but generally include the completion of a massage therapy training program, followed by a certification exam and licensure. Training programs typically require five hundred or more hours of class work, which will consist of courses in anatomy, physiology (organs and tissues), kinesiology (body motion and mechanics), ethics, massage techniques, and business management. The certification exam is generally a series of multiple choice questions related to your training.
Abilities A massage therapist should enjoy working closely with people and possess empathy for clients. It is important to be personable and friendly in order to help your client relax and gain their trust in literally putting their body in your hands. You will need good communications skills to understand your client's needs and help them achieve their goals through massage therapy sessions. Physical strength and dexterity are also important qualifications for successful massage therapists. Don't worry if the thought of giving an intensive hour and a half massage seems physically daunting at first, your strength and stamina will build as you continue to hone your skills. Those looking to build their own practice should also have a good head for business.
Experience Many states require a certain number of hours of massage field work, typically around three hundred hours, before candidates are qualified for licensing. This practical experience is usually facilitated by your training program. Use this time to become comfortable with a routine and incorporate new techniques.
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