Teacher Qualifications
Education The educational qualifications for becoming a teacher depend on whether you're looking to teach at a public or private school, what level you're looking to teach, whether you want to focus on special education, what state you live in, and if you're looking to specialize in a certain subject. The minimum qualification for any teaching position is a bachelors degree. Public elementary school teachers typically major or minor in education, while secondary school teachers generally have a degree in the subject they are looking to teach along with additional courses in education. Individuals with a bachelors degree and no prior teaching experience should look into a masters degree program in education. A masters degree is a requirement for teaching at the college level. You will need courses in pedagogy, teaching methodology, and teaching techniques in order to prepare yourself for licensing. Licensing qualifications vary by state, but most require potential teachers to pass the Praxis exam, which measures your knowledge to ensure that you are well educated and qualified to teach.
Abilities Teachers at all levels need to be compassionate, patient, and dedicated. Teaching can be both a rewarding and exasperating career. Only those truly dedicated to the ideals of teaching and committed to learning will become successful educators. A teacher must be able to share their joy for learning with students and instill a thirst for knowledge in young minds. Teachers should be well organized and creative and skilled in communication and motivation.
Experience Almost all teacher education programs include a period of student teaching experience. As a student teacher you will observe, assist, and ultimately teach in a classroom under the supervision of an experienced teacher. It is also beneficial to have prior work or research experience in the subject you will be teaching, in order to bring real-world applications into your classroom.
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