Beautician Qualifications
Education In some states, a beautician must obtain professional licensure in order be qualified to legally work as a beauty technician. The licensure process occurs at the culmination of a certified beautician training program. Training programs will typically prepare students with courses in hair styling and grooming, hygiene, business management, and licensing requirements. Some programs also qualify students to work in skin and nail care. The licensure exam will test an applicant's skills through either a written or practical examination, or both.
Abilities Aside from being a skilled stylist, a beautician needs to have strong people skills. Much of the key to being a successful beautician depends on customer service. It is important to be a good communicator and listener in order to satisfy the needs of each individual. Beauticians can benefit from being outgoing, relaxed, friendly, approachable, and very people oriented. Appearance is everything for a beautician. It is essential to maintain a high level of personal hygiene and a well-groomed appearance. Looking good will inspire confidence in your customers.
Experience Some regions require potential beauticians to have completed a set number of practical hours working alongside a trained beauty technician before qualifying to undergo licensing. Experience is also essential for honing people skills and developing a client base.
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